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10 reasons why pockets on women's clothes are great 8 September 2022

  1. You don't need to buy a handbag.
  2. You don't need to worry about the shoulder/back pain which can be caused later in life due to long term bag carrying.
  3. You don't need to worry about styling said handbag with your outfit (thereby actually having to have multiple handbags).
  4. You don't have to display your personal stuff to a bouncer just to get into a gig.
  5. Increase your hand baggage allowance.
  6. Easier to run for the bus.
  7. Less easy to have your stuff stolen on the underground.
  8. Hands in pockets is a really comfortable way to stand.
  9. Go for a run without one of those uncomfortable phone pouches stuck to your arm.
  10. Men have them on their clothes!

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