I hope 2023 has been a good year for you. For this, my last newsletter of the year, I just wanted to go through some of the pocket highlights for the year. Since the beginning of this year we've added on 13 new retailers, and I've sifted through 35186 products, 9788 of which had pockets. Of those products, 12035 were identified as dresses, 1623 of those dresses had pockets. What's that? You'd like to see that as a chart? Well, my pleasure! Since it's December, I've gone for Christmas-y colours.

This is how I spend my time, so you only have to see the pocket-y stuff (in green).
You can still see the no pockets to pockets ratio is quite high. Although it does vary depending on the retailer. It definitely feels like there's been an increase in the amount of products being pushed with pockets as a positive. It will be interesting to see the graph for next year.
There has certainly been a lot of talk about pockets in the press recently, with Hannah Carlson's new book, which led to the Pockets site being in The Guardian and El Pais, which was lovely, but the pocket issue is still not a solved problem. Only last week, I went to put a magazine in the handy internal 'pocket' I'd just found in my coat of a couple of years (not found through the site I must say), only for it to fall straight through, see a reconstruction here. This got me thinking that I should compile a list of the 'worst pockets of the year'. So far I've heard about somebody buying a pair of combat pants where all the pockets were fake. Surely that's got to be a contender for the worst?
If you have a worst pocket experience that you would like to share, please let me know
The site this year has undergone a lot of changes to make it quicker, look better and make it easier to find the stuff you want, but there's still more to be done and more retailers I want to add. As usual, if there's any particular feature you would like on the site, please do let me know, and please, if you like what we're doing at Pockets For Women, please tell your friends!
I hope you have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year!