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School's Out, But I'm Still Learning About Pockets 21 July 2023

I learnt something this week about flap pockets. Someone in the know explained to me how you know when a flap pocket is not a fake pocket. The thin line here above the flap means that there is a jetted pocket underneath, rather than just bitter disappointment. Not surefire, but apparently pretty reliable.

A close up flap pocket

I will be using this rule on the site now for flap pockets, unless the description says ‘practical pockets’ or something similar (because there is nothing practical about a random flap so they can’t be referring to that).

I also heard this week that apparently in Harrogate, the tailors mainly spend their time adding pockets back into dresses. I don’t know if anyone can confirm that? Anyway if you want to have a go at doing it yourself (maybe don’t try your favourite dress first), then here are some instructions that may help you from a site called Craftsy.

It was also pointed out to me that we could do with some more maternity and nursing clothes with pockets. I’ve found a lovely Sheffield based company who specialise in nursing clothes, Stylish Mum and they assure me all their dresses have pockets. I am planning to add them to the site in September. Next to find some maternity clothes with decent pockets, wish me luck!

In response to an email request, I have added more filters including a chest pocket filter, which I am told is very handy for coats. Any more requests, as usual, let me know .

Also, I have now added Fat Face clothes with pockets to the site, and they have some lovely dresses , just in time for summer!

This will be last post until September. Have a lovely summer, and may all your dresses have pockets!

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