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When It Comes To Pockets, Size Matters! 30 January 2023

When I set up the pockets site last year, I was just thinking clothes with actual pockets ( and not silly fake pockets) but actually the size of the pockets, particularly with trousers and jeans is definitely an issue with the women I have spoken to. After an article last week in the Guardian, in which Rosie Talbot described how she made skirts with pockets big enough for wine bottles(!) I have decided I am going to be a little bit more picky about the new stuff that I put on, particularly when it comes to trousers. I'm also going to start working towards building a pocket size filter. I have to do it visually, so it will be a guess (sometimes thumbs out is the preferred pose, and that doesn't necessary give great pocket information). Hopefully I will be putting Levis on the next few weeks, so I will be looking to see if I can find jeans with big pockets!

If you have a spare moment, please feel free to add a pocket review for any product you think you know the pocket size for, by using the form which is on every product page

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