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When you know what you don't want (with pockets)? 26 April 2023

So, a friend said to me the other week "Seasalt have some really great trousers with pockets, but you only have their tunics". Oh dear! We've had Seasalt Cornwall trousers for some time, but if my friend, who I consider to be pretty internet savvy couldn't find them, then we had a problem. So, this week I have changed all the filters, so they should be much more obvious and easier to use. Specifically if you type "seasalt trousers" into the search box, you will actually find Seasalt Cornwall trousers!

One of the things I have hopefully made clearer now is that you can specify what you don't want. Want everything except black? Now you can! I've also added a price filter, so you can specify exactly how much you want to spend. Over the next few weeks the plan is to bring more retailers on to give you more choice on that front.

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